Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Perceval Day 1 (381-419)

1) Chretien made several specific references to the Bible and "the right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing". This may be foreshadowing the large part the church may be taking in the rest of the story and possibly the continuing use of the bible as justification for what is about to be done. The reference to the "right hand not knowing what the left is doing" is more clear in that one branch of characters in the upcoming story will probably be hiding what they are doing from the rest of the characters.
2) Perceval believes that the knights are at first devil's, and then he thinks them to be angels. He sees them as beautiful and worthy of wonder, to which he asks a great many questions although he fails to answer the knights questions. The knights who he meets seem fair enough but they continue ask their questions at the same time as answering those of young Perceval, they keep their patience while still pursuing their quest. This possibly foreshadowing Perceval's own quest for the grail, his curiosity will most definitely slow him down and may be his ultimate downfall.
3) Perceval ignores his mother for the most part, he simply asks her questions and only retains the information that he seeks. His mother tells him that all of his siblings and his father where all killed as knights but he ignores her. His mother freaks out but her son just seems to be this single minded child, once he gets his heart set on something there doesn't seem to be any way of moving him to another path.

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