Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Celestina Day 4 Act 18-21

2) The only real love we see is Pleberio's love for his daughter, he does reveal in his speech that he is sad because he can't sell his daughter as a wife to some guy but his words seem to reveal more than just his own desires. Melibea is saddest because she has so embarrassed her father and destroyed her own honor, not only that but she has no one to have sex with at night now. I find no love in her motives, only lust and stupidity.
3) As we see with the two servants who get their heads chopped of there is the obvious symbolism with the head standing for intelligence. None of the characters used their intelligence and therefore they all lost their heads in some way or another, also all of the dead characters suffered some kind of fall. A fall from grace, honor, or some other ailment but they all fell nonetheless, this fall was the thing that either killed them or immediately preceded their deaths.
5) The major victim in this tale are Melibea's parents, they may have been wrong in not paying more attention to their daughter and stopping this affair but I think they are the only ones who never really knew the truth. Melibea's father is not told of the entire business until right before his daughter kills herself and her mother isn't told until Pleberio tells her. The most blaim can be placed on Celestina, she's literally a pimp so it was no mistake on her part that the two lovers got together. She planned this sort of thing almost daily and it was really the publicity of the affair that got the couple killed , which was a result of Celestina's involvement.

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