Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Yvain day one

1) So far this book is entirely far from either novel we have read so far. I both the love was pure and the knight was among the strongest in the land, here in this story we see our good sir knight defeated in the first third of the reading and we see him falling in love with the wife of a man he has slain. From every angle this story is unique, including the fact that there is no real prologue which seems to be typical of most Chretien stories. My possible explanation of this is the lack of really known characters, it's is common knowledge (according to the prologue of Erec and Enide) that the knight of that story was the best in the land etc. Here we have Yvain, who must in this story not only go through some explicit journey of self worth but must also prove himself to the audience of the story because he doesn't seem to have a starting relationship with the outside world. He is an abnormal knight in an abnormal setting, these facts are only shown more by the fat that Chretien does something even more abnormal by not adding a prologue. This could also be a bit of foreshadowing in that in "Erec and Enide" the prologue set's the tone for the entire book and almost reveals the ending, whereas here this book my have a very vague plot that is done on the fly and goes with the flow instead of putting itself out in the open.

3) This book has many incredibly interesting characters, but none quite as unique as Yvain, he first meets a lady and then realizes she is married and leaves. But that's not where he gains this reputation of weirdness in my eyes, he first loses to a knight and then return's to land he once roamed to kill a knight that he doesn't know and then win the heart of the women he once knew and cared for. This women mind you was the wife of the man he had slain. This might sort of go with the lack of a prologue and what it foreshadowed in that this was fairly unheard of (I would hope) in that the man who brutally murdered a man get's his wife as almost a prize. All-in-all this Yvain guy is very strange, he doesn't really follow the typical knight class, he accepts defeat at one point and then set's out to find his honor back but instead find's a forbidden love. Forbidden love does seem to be a continueing them with Chretien as it's been in this story and the last one, but I think that compared to Erec this Yvain guy has created a new class of hero all his own, it's the class for knight's who don't have much of a direction but find there way anyway. You know the type, the one's that fall in love with the wives of people they've killed.

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