Friday, September 18, 2009

Day two: Erec and Enide

3) I don't know what Erec's final destination is but I do believe that I can decipher just what the purpose of the journey is. He takes no companions with him and has his wife dress in a very rich manner, he sort of makes them a target for robbers and vandals. His reasoning is that his wife proved that she did not truly trust his prowess, in the times where men lived by the sword (in this literary tale at least) it seems to be almost an insult to be called "soft" by your own wife. For this reason I believe this journey is of self-discovery for Erec in that he has lost faith in his abilities and also a sort of renewal journey for Enide in that Erec feels that she believes he is weak. In this literary tale fighting is very common and so is violence, both are things that Erec's character is used to and has become well adapted to. Erec's goal just seems to be to prove himself to his wife. I personally find this to be a very barbaric and risky method but if you compare it to a politician picking up the podium after many years then I can see the reason's behind what Erec does, A politician cannot afford to lose the support of his wife and the voters so just like Erec they must sometimes prove themselves.

4) All of Enide's monologues are of deep concern for her husband. We have no glimpse at the true meaning behind the couples journey unless we know what is running through there heads. By hearing what Enide is thinking we gain a knowledge of the sort that Erec is picking up from being with her in person. Sometimes when you have gotten to know someone it is almost like you know what they are thinking. So it may be that it is not so much that we are hearing what Enide is thinking but it is that we are hearing what Erec suspects is running through her head. The way he pushes at her to just trust him gives me the vibe that he wants her to be able to live without fear of outside words or threats because her "man" per-say is worthy of the right to protect her and can do so effectively. By hearing her thoughts we also gain an insight into her mind as a whole, we begin to learn her make-up and her character really starts to take shape as a viable addition ot the story line. She is now more than just a beautiful Ferrari, she's now Erec's love.

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