Monday, December 14, 2009

Silence of the Lambs and a thanks for a great semester

Hi Doctor Ealy,
I'm not sure if you'll get this but I had been thinking about what we had brought up in our last class (prior to the writing workshop) about different grail quests and I happen to have just finished up a paper on The Silence of The Lambs by Jonathan Demme. It struck me that if you look at the film without the killing etc. it very closely parallels the grail quest we find in Small World, Buffalo Bill (the killer on the loose) seeks to transfigure himself while Clarice Starling seeks to become an FBI agent. All of the characters seek something and it just reminded me a lot of the conversation we had had in class and the literary story of Small World. Especially the ending where Hannibal Lecter is seen on the loose once more, creating the same (never) ending that was in both Perceval and Small World. I would like to thank you for a great semester and for helping to get me transitioned into college. I hope you have a great winter break.

Thank you for your time,
Thomas Keegan

1 comment:

  1. Hi Thomas -- Thanks a lot for your post. I'm glad you enjoyed the course and hope it serves you well in the future. The issues you raise here seem very interesting -- and I like what you have to say here. I'm going to have to rethink this film now. Most thought-provoking!


    Dr. Ealy
