Monday, October 19, 2009

Decameron day four / 5.8, 5.9, 5.10, 6.7, 6.10

1) In 5.8 and 5.9 we see two almost rags to riches stories, what are the similarities between them and what makes them so different from other stories we have read before?

In both stories we see men who loved a woman more than he loved him self and gave literally everything to please the person of their dreams, but neither love was mutual and the men ended up going broke with absolutely nothing to show for it. Here is really where the stories split, Nastagio in 5.8 decides to use a horribly disgusting display in front of a large group of people to scare his lady into marrying him. Federigo is a seemingly more noble guy in that he gave everything he had to woe this woman and was only willing to give more, in the end the lady saw that maybe a man like Federigo, who was willing to do anything for her, would be worth the trouble.

2) In 5.10 we see a very different type of story, one that includes not just one big sin but multiple sins. What makes this story so different and how do you think it fits in with the other two stories?

In 5.10 there is a very obvious plot difference from the other two day five stories in that instead of a man trying to woe a wife it was the woman trying to get something from a man, any man. In the end we find all three people, the two men and the woman, doing a threesome. In every way this ending is just completely off base, typically we find ourselves with a still sinful but morally satisfying ending. Here there are no morals and the entire ending is just completely off from typical moral standards.

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